Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Chin Ping and former communists want to return to Malaysia

"Chin Peng, whose real name is Ong Boon Hua, currently resides in Thailand.

In the originating summons filed on March 4, 2005, the octogenarian asked for a declaration that he and other CPM members be allowed to enter and live in this country. " (The Star Online > Nation

This is a strange development indeed. Chin Peng and the majority of the members of the Communist Party Malaya are Chinese. Why are they interested to return to Malaysia, and not want to go to Communist China?

China is a big country with a booming economy, third in the world after USA and Japan. The population is homogenous.

Malaysia is a third world country with multiracial population. Its economy is nothing compared to China's.

And DAP says that the Chinese in Malaysia are being treated as second class citizen. It is also claimed that the Malaysian government is biased against the Chinese.

Under these circumtances, why do Chin Peng and his friends want to return to Malaysia? It doesn't make sense. It only makes sense if they don't believe what DAP and others are accusing Malaysian government off, which is being spread throughout the world.


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