Thursday, October 07, 2010

Stop Drinking Milk!

Stop Drinking Milk!

The price of powdered milk will rise again. This means increasing expenditure for milk drinkers. How are we to solve this problem? Easy: Stop Drinking Milk!

Milk is an important source of animal protein for the Aryan people, like people in the West, Middle East and Indo-Pak. For other non-Aryan Asians, our natural source of animal protein is mother's milk, fish and meat. Non-Aryan Asian stomachs can react negatively to cow's milk protein, giving rise to cow's milk allergy which is a cause for many diseases like diarrhea and skin diseases.

When the west colonized much of Asia, to help their dairy industry, they promoted widely cow's milk especially for our babies. Surprisingly, now, in the West, there is widespread breast milk feeding campaign for babies . In fact, there are now many milk banks in the West. These milk banks buy, store and sell human breast milk.

Why is there this double standard?

Research has shown that breast milk is best for babies. It contains, among other things, plenty of antibodies and all the nutrients necessary for the growing brain of the new born child until he is 2 years old. At 2 years old, the brain has already grown 85 percentage.

In Asia, dairy companies unashamedly campaign widely for cows milk to be given to new born babies,( as if the benefits of breast milk is meant only for the West) to ensure the survival and profit of their companies. Before ,there was such a campaign as “ (Milk Brand name) is similar to mother's milk).” Representatives from milk companies move freely in hospitals, especially in the labor and pediatrics ward, and the private clinics where doctors are given free milk samples. Though the government has banned this practice, these representatives still can be seen in some private clinics.

The impending increase in price of the powdered milk therefore is an added reason for non-Aryan Asians to revert to only mother's milk (for 2 years and under babies) and eating meat and fish as a source of protein. It not only will reduce daily expenditure, but also help reduce the outflow of our money to the West, Australia, and New Zealand. It also will help reduce our medical expenditure. For those who must drink milk, there is now an alternative: oil-palm based milk.